About us
We are developing novel functional and high-performance photonic integrated circuits relating to photonics and spintronics.
What's new
- 2024.11.29 Conference
- Prof. Shoji: Optics & Photonics Japan (OPJ) 2024@The University of Electro-Communications (Invited talks)
- 2024.11.26-27 Conference
- D3 Liang, Ni, Wang: International Symposium on NEDO Project ISPEC2024@Tokyo Tech
- 2024.10.17-18 Conference
- M2 Takagi: OCS October@Yamaguchi
- 2024.9.27 Event
- Tagawa, Tsuda, Tei, Hiura(M1): Initiative Presentation
- 2024.9.16-20 Conference
- Prof. Shoji, Yajima(D2), Shinbo, Takagi, Nakanishi(M2): The 85th JSAP Autumn Meeting
- 2024.8.23,26 Event
- Shinbo, Takagi, Nakanishi(M2): Midterm Presentation
- 2024.8.4-9 Conference
- Prof. Shoji: CLEO-PR 2024@Incheon (Invited talks)
- 2024.7.31 Event
- Hara, Murakami(B4):Electrical and Electronic Engineering Project Presentation
- 2024.7.23 News
- Wang(D2):Published in Optics Express highlighted as an Editor's Pick !!
- 2024.7.18 News
- Takagi(M2):Published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
- 2024.7.1 Event
- Liang(D3):Doctoral Dissertation Presentation (Defense)
- 2024.6.20 News
- Paper of Sato(graduated) was published in Optica
- 2024.4.3 News
- New member: Hiura(M1), Tei(M1), Hara(B4), Murakami(B4)
- 2024.4.1 Event
- Ni, Wang(D2): Midterm Presentation
- 2024.4.1 News
- Yajima(D3): JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists(DC2)
- 2024.3.11-12 Conference
- Prof. Shoji: The First International Symposium on Photonic Computing@The University of Tokyo (Poster presentation)
- 2024.3.4-8 Conference
- Prof. Shoji: IEICE General Conference@Hiroshima (Invited talks)
- 2024.2.20 Event
- Tagawa, Tsuda(B4): Bachelor Thesis Presentation
- 2024.2.6 Event
- Sato, Shimotsu, Chihara, Tsuchiya(M2), Tong(M2): Master Thesis Presentation
- 2024.1.28-2.1 Conference
- Prof. Shoji: SPIE Photonics West 2024@San Fransisco (2 Invited talks)
- 2023.12.26 Event
- Minemura(D3):Doctoral Dissertation Presentation (Defense)
- 2023.12.7-8 Conference
- Sato (M2): Photonic Device Workshop (PDW)2023
- Sato won the Best Student Poster Award !!
- 2023.11.29 News
- Paper of Minemura(D3) was published in IEICE Electronics Express
- 2023.11.1-2 Conference
- Prof. Shoji: ISPEC2023@Tokyo Tech
- 2023.9.22,25 Event
- Shinbo, Takagi, Nakanishi(M1): Initiative Presentation
- 2023.9.12 News
- Paper of Serrano-Nunez on IEICE Electronics Express won the 2023 ELEX Best Paper Award !!
- 2023.9.12-15 Conference
- Sato(M2), Shimotsu(M2), Chihara(M2), Tsuchiya(M2): IEICE Society Conference 2023@Nagoya University
- 2023.8.25,28 Event
- Yajima(D2), Sato, Shimotu, Chihara, Tsuchiya(M2): Midterm Presentation
- 2023.8.7 News
- Paper of Prof. Shoji was published in Optical Materials Express selected as Editor's Pick
- 2023.8.4 News
- Paper of Minemura(D3) was published in Optics Express
- 2023.8.2 Event
- Tagawa, Tsuda(B4):Electrical and Electronic Engineering Project Presentation
- 2023.7.31 Event
- Tong(M2):Master Thesis Presentation
- 2023.6.28 Event
- Liu(D3):Doctoral Dissertation Presentation (Defense)
- 2023.5.8 News
- Paper of Yajima(D2) was published in Optics Express selected as Editor's Pick
- 2023.4.4-7 Conference
- Prof. Shoji: IEEE Silicon Photonics Conference@Arlington (Invited talk)
- 2023.4.3-4 Event
- Liang(D2)、Ni(D1), Wang(D1): Initiative and Midterm Presentations
- 2023.4.1 News
- New member: Shinbo(M1), Takagi(M1), Nakanishi(M1), Tagawa(B4), Tsuda(B4)
- 2023.4.1 News
- Minemura(D3): JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists(DC2)